Author Info

5th CONIT 2025 is soliciting original and previously unpublished papers addressing research challenges and advances in the areas of Electrical /Electronic,  Information Technology/ Computer Application, Networking, Intelligent Technologies, wireless, mobile, and multimedia networking as well as ubiquitous and pervasive systems its applications and Intelligent Technologies . Intelligent technologies are continuously evolving and have become a critical part of modern life, be it for communication services within the different arena of Innovative technology of things context.

To provide users with high quality of experience in multimedia communication and distribution, especially under moderate to high utilization, appropriate resource management and architectural networking paradigms are necessary. Edge computing and data-driven artificial intelligence (AI) techniques, Data Science, Machine Learning, Deep learning are becoming essential tools to cope with the increasing diversity of connected devices, and the plethora of new data-intensive and latency-sensitive applications requested by end-users

The Original unpublished Research Papers, Articles & Working papers having maximum length 8 pages (minimum 6 pages) on the topics related to the theme are invited for presentation/publication in the conference proceedings.

  1. Kindly ensure that your paper is formatted as per  IEEE Conference paper (not exceeding 8 pages written in A4 size). Please refer the attached IEEE Conference paper format  template for preparation of your paper.
  2. All papers must be submitted online via CMT submission portal.
  3. All submissions will be thoroughly peer-reviewed by experts based on originality, significance and clarity.
  4. Only papers presenting original content with novel research results or successful innovative applications will be considered for publication in the conference proceedings .

Plagiarism Policy

  1. The paper prior to submission should be checked for plagiarism from licensed plagiarism software like Turnitin/authenticate etc. The similarity content should not exceed 20% (in any case either self-contents or others). Further, you must strictly implement the following ethical guidelines for publication:
  2. Any form of self-plagiarism or plagiarism from others’ work(s) should not be there in an article. If any model / concept / figure / table / data / conclusive comment by any previously published work is used in your article, you should properly cite a reference to the original work.
  1. Also, language of explaining it should not be same as language of the work from which you have adopted it. If you are using any copyrighted material, you should acquire prior permission from the copyright holder.

The International Conference on Intelligent Technologies (CONIT) is a premier platform for researchers, academics, and industry leaders to showcase and explore cutting-edge advancements in AI, IoT, robotics, and more. With a proven track record of IEEE Xplore and SCOPUS indexing, CONIT ensures global visibility for your research.